Quality of life • Economic power • Attractiveness


Our objectives
The goal of Stadtentwicklung Bruneck is to raise the quality of life and economic power in the city and to support the attractiveness and significance of Bruneck as a site of tourism, culture, educa-tion, labor, sports, residence, shopping, and social wellbeing.
The association is the meeting point and the go-between for project managers and conveyors of ideas, it creates synergies between the various interest groups in the community, it fosters cooperation, and it provides support and assistance for relevant initiatives. The positive presentation of Bruneck both to the outside and within is to be promoted.
Stadtentwicklung Bruneck initiates and looks after intercommunity cooperation and supports the creation and maintaining of supraregional networks. The association advocates the strategic positioning of Bruneck, it supports innovative steps for the future, and it participates in medium and long-term development processes for the city.

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On Monday, April 17, 2023 at the Tipworld Forum in Bruneck, the Entrepreneurs Forum was held. An event organized by Stadtentwicklung Bruneck, which was attended by about 200 entrepreneurs. Among other things, the topic of developing from an employer's market to an employee's market was discussed, as companies increasingly face the problem of how to dominate in the struggle for talent.
In the picture:
from left to right: Prof. Dr. Roland Benedikter – EURAC Research, Thomas Mur – Messe Bozen, Christian Tschurtschenthaler – Stadtentwicklung Bruneck, Jana Schmidhammer – Schmidhammer GmbH, Marion Niederkofler – Stadtentwicklung Bruneck, Hannes Berger – Dr. Schär AG, Roland Griessmair – Bürgermeister, Patrizia Hainz - Moderatorin
Photo Credits: © Marco Parisi

The Women.Talks on International Women's Day on Wednesday evening, March 8, 2023 at the Raiffeisen Forum Bruneck dealt, appropriately for the election year, with women and politics - politics and women.

Recently, new paving stones can be found in various places in the city center of Brunico. They are special stones, which are part of the project "Soul Stones" by BBZ graduates in collaboration with the municipality of Bruneck, the Urban Development Brunico, as well as the artist Alois Steger and Karl Heinz Malfertheiner. Started in the school year 2019/20, the project was completed this year and ten so-called soul stones, which symbolize the brand values of the city of Brunico, now adorn the cityscape.
"Take a break, pause, perceive the symbols on the paving stones and reflect on your own values" are the basic ideas behind the "Soul Stones" project, according to Christina Amhof, the supervisor and teacher in charge at the professional school in Brunico. When the idea was born in the 2019/20 school year, the project was brought to the attention of the municipality by Tamara Obergolser, Anna Ladstätter and Johanna Pirozzi, who were high school graduates at the time. "The project idea of integrating the values of Brunico into the cityscape in this way appealed to us very much," says mayor Roland Griessmair.
In cooperation with the Urban Development Brunico and a local artist, the high school graduates formulated the initial ideas for implementation and, with the help of a survey of fellow students, selected the appropriate symbols for the various values. Due to the pandemic, however, the project could not be continued.
It was all the more gratifying when Claudia Hochgruber made the project her final project in 2021. The idea of creating something lasting for Bruneck appealed to the student of the professional school in Brunico. In cooperation with the artist Alois Steger and Karl Heinz Malfertheiner, as well as Demattia, the stones were made of the resistant material ceramic and the brand values of the city of Brunico were painted on them.
Brunico stands for the values ambitious, sporty alpine, forward-thinking, open-minded and energetic. In addition, the idea of community and respectful interaction with each other are very important in Brunico. Symbols for happiness and cordiality were also added to these values, which stand for the twofold distinction of being the happiest small town in Italy. "Our DNA is now set in stone. In addition, these symbolic and aesthetically pleasing paving stones invite people to reflect," said Marion Niederkofler, Director of Urban Development Brunico.
With the support of the city's building yard, the stones have now been placed at selected locations in the city center in the course of ongoing works. As soon as all ten soul stones have their place, a parcours will be created that connects central places in the center of Bruneck.
Picture from left to right: City Councilor Anton Mair unter der Eggen, Director of Urban Development Brunico Marion Niederkofler, Claudia Hochgruber, Mayor Roland Griessmair, Christina Amhof.

The International Women's Day on 8 March 2022 was celebrated in Brunico with the Women's Talks in the truest sense of the word, as it led the participants from the town hall square to Brunico Castle and from there, atmospherically with torches, to the town museum.
With strong words, City Councillor Ursula Steinkasserer Goldwurm greeted the participants and Deputy Mayor Antonio Bovenzi on the Town Hall Square, the first stage of the Women's Talks: "We women must finally also elect women as our representatives. We women need to look to ourselves as women, to network, especially in the face of the never-ending violence against women, the difficult times in which war and pandemics play the leading role. The solidarity among women, the abilities and potentials that lie within them are a great treasure that not only belongs in the private sphere, but is also essential for shaping public life."
In the inner courtyard of Bruneck Castle, two active networkers, namely Marlene Rinner from wnet networking women https://www.wnet.bz.it/, and the doctor Carla Nobile from the Club Soroptimist Pustertal Val Pusteria https://www.soroptimist.it/club/pustertal-val-pusteria/, gave keynote speeches about their networking work. In the City Museum, the active part of the event awaited the participants, namely a workshop with various stations, always on the topic of networking. The host of the City Museum, Markus Peskoller, welcomed the participants with impressive pictures of action artists, spanning from the emancipation movement to the current war events in Ukraine. Mayor Roland Griessmair emphasised the importance of networking in general: "We all, and especially women, need networks right now, when the pandemic has pushed back many development processes. Let us therefore use days like Women's Day to close the gaps that still exist," was the mayor's appeal.
A big thank you to all those who helped organise the event: Marion Niederkofler from Bruneck City Development, Birgit Hilber from General Services, Club Soroptimist Pustertal Val Pusteria, Sonja Hartner from the City Library, Raika Bruneck, Bruneck City Museum.

Christmas -
a time to pause,
a time for reflection and joy,
a time for candlelight and warmth,
a time for gratitude!
We wish you a Merry Christmas and for 2022 a year full of happiness, health and joy!

startbase South Tyrol stands for sustainable coworking culture in South Tyrol and currently operates five coworking spaces in Bolzano, Merano, Brunico, Silandro and Malles. With the opening of a small shared office in Sand in Taufers, the network continues to grow.
Smart working, home office, coworking - terms that have recently gained even greater importance. In South Tyrol, the startbase network was founded several years ago as a base camp for creative minds, freelancers, digital nomads and start-ups. The coworking spaces startbase are formed as a strong community in which networking and the exchange of ideas are emphasised. The demand for flexible workplaces is constantly increasing and the network is also growing.
In addition to the already existing coworking spaces startbase in Bolzano, Merano, Brunico, Silandro and Malles, there is now also a small but fine office alternative in Campo Tures.
The small startbase in Campo Tures acts as a branch of Brunico and there are five workplaces available, which can be rented on a fixed or flexible basis. Furthermore, coworkers have access to a meeting room, a tea bar, high-speed internet, printers and other inclusive services. The coworking space is located in the centrally situated tourist office of Campo Tures. The workplaces are thus easily accessible by public transport, by bike or by car, and all around you will find cafés, restaurants and beautiful walks for the necessary balance during the lunch break.
Curious? You can find more information on all coworking spaces startbase on the website www.startbase.it.

City councilor Daniel Schönhuber is launching a survey on the city center of Brunico in cooperation with Stadtentwicklung Bruneck. In the survey people are asked about their opinions of the city center. The results will be presented at an event in autumn 2021.
Link to the survey in german language: www.stadtentwicklung-bruneck.eu/bruneck2021
Link to the survey in italian language: www.sviluppocitta-brunico.eu/brunico2021

Last autumn the farmers' market season did not end as usual, but for the first time the market was also held throughout the winter. This offer was very well used, so that it will now continue to be held all year round. Every Friday morning, fresh natural products from local cultivation are offered in Brunico.
In 2020, the popular Brunico Farmers' Market celebrated its 25th anniversary. What was new, however, was that it did not end in October as usual, but also continued in winter, although in a reduced form for seasonal reasons.
On Friday, 23rd April 2021, Mayor Roland Griessmair, Councillor Daniel Schönhuber and Director Sviluppo Città Brunico Marion Niederkofler visited the penultimate winter farmers' market of this season. Mayor Roland Griessmair is pleased that this offer was also very well used in winter and is therefore happy to confirm the request to continue the market also for the coming winter season.
"The farmers' market is an absolute benefit for our city and especially now the desire for fresh, seasonal and above all sustainable products is becoming stronger and stronger. We as the municipality of Brunico are therefore very happy to support this project," says Mayor Roland Griessmair. The councillor in charge, Daniel Schönhuber, is also pleased about the expansion of the market and emphasises the importance of promoting local agriculture and trade.
Marianna Kiebacher, chairwoman of the farmers' market, thanks the municipality and Sviluppo Città Brunico for their constant support.
For a smooth running of the farmers' market in the coming winter season, especially with regard to the Christmas market taking place at Via Bastioni, a suitable location is already being sought together.
From 7th May 2021, the farmer's market will go on again in full occupation. Every Friday at Via Bastioni in Brunico from 8 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., around 13 farms offer their fresh and regional products for sale.
The farmers are looking forward to your visit!
Information about the market, the dates and the stall holders can be found on the website www.bauernmarkt-bruneck.it.

On Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 125 businesspeople and interested parties from the Pustertal Valley accepted the invitation of Daniel Schönhuber, city councillor for economic affairs, and discussed the pandemic and its consequences with senators Meinhard Durnwalder and Dieter Steger at the Economic Round Table.

Bruneck - On 8 March, the International Women's Day, the traditional Women's Talks took place in Bruneck-Brunico. This year for the first time online. About 100 participants accepted the invitation and experienced funny readings by the eloquent Ella Carina Werner and the illustrator Valentina Stecchi.

The event centre to be built at the NOI Techpark in Bruneck-Brunico now has a name. From 2023, events will take place at NOBIS. The committee chose this name from around 60 proposals submitted. In the course of the meeting, the bistro of the NOI Techpark was also spontaneously given a name from the ideas presented. It will be called BRUNO.

The Farmers' Market is back from its winter break and from Friday, 8th May 2020 will once again bring fresh natural products from local cultivation directly to Brunico.
Spring is coming and everyone in the Pustertal Valley knows that it's time to start a new season for the farmers' market. A special season - an anniversary year. Because when the first visitors come to the market on Friday, May 8th 2020 from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m., the farmers' market in Brunico will open its doors for the 25th time. Since 1995, this is a possibility to meet the farmers personally at the farmers' market, where they can show to you their passion for the good. And the desire for fresh, seasonal products from the surrounding area is strongly increasing.
Until 30 October 2020, 14 farmers, five of which are certified organic farms, will be offering their products from the Pustertal Valley every Friday at the Piazza Municipio in the centre of Brunico. The motto for cheese, various dairy products, bacon, meat, sausages, herbs, fruit, vegetables, cereals, flour, bread, eggs, noodles, Tirtlan and doughnuts is "home-grown".
In 2020, the 14 stand operators will again include the Locherhof - San Pietro/ Valle Aurina, the Mühlhäuslhof - Monghezzo/Chienes, Feichter Bernhard - Dobbiaco, the Felderhof – Villa Ottone, the maso di erbe Hauser - Perca, the Huberhof – Versciaco/San Candido, the Schrottenhof – Mantana/San Lorenzo, the Tschogglerhof - Riscone, the Schlachthof - Dobbiaco, the Steffelehof - Caldaro, the Knollhof – Lappago/Rio Molino, the Lechnerhof - Braies, the Steinmetzhof - Sesto e the Lerchnhof – Valdaora.
A special season is coming up this year also due to the current situation around COVID-19. Customers are asked to keep a minimum distance of 1 m, to approach the stands individually, and to cover mouth, nose and hands with appropriate protection or gloves. We ask visitors not to take the goods themselves (no self-service). The farmers would like to thank everyone for their understanding and help.
Let us celebrate this anniversary year - the farmers are looking forward to your visit!
Information about the market, dates and stand operators can be found on the new website www.bauernmarkt-bruneck.it.

What's going on in Brunico? Art, music, festivals, sport, markets, gastronomy, guided tours, literature. What's it all about today?
From today, February 13th, the new calendar of events for the municipal area of Bruneck is online, on which the Sviluppo Città Brunico has been working in recent months.
On www.vivibrunico.com you can find all events that will soon take place at the municipal level.
The organisers of events in Brunico can contact the Sviluppo Città Brunico and can enter their events into the calendar via their own access. Alternatively, existing content via LTS/TIC-Web will also be used, so that nothing has to be done twice. For small organisations the Sviluppo Città Brunico takes over the data maintenance service. So now really everything should be displayed and you don't miss anything anymore!
It is also important that events do not overlap. This is something we would now like to avoid. When planning the year, all organisers should consult the Sviluppo Città Brunico, which keeps an internal calendar and can give recommendations.
With this combination of services, the City of Bruneck wants to offer a unique opportunity, both for visitors and for the organisers.
So always stay informed: www.vivibrunico.com.

We are searching a name for the event centre at the NOI Techpark Brunico, which are managed by the municipality of Bruneck. Your initiative is needed!
The NOI Techpark is to become a central location for the economy and a meeting point for the population of the Puster Valley. Among others, a part of the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, the NOI Techpark with its competence centre in the automotive sector, as well as a business incubator including the coworking space startbase will be located there. This area will be called "NOI Techpark Brunico".
In addition, an event centre for congresses, conferences and many other events will be created. A suitable name is now being sought for this area. Do you have the perfect idea?
Then fill out the form in 5 minutes and maybe it is exactly your idea that will be chosen!
We are looking forward to hearing your suggestions

"The magic of Christmas never ends and its greatest gifts are family and friends."
We wish you a very Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a wonderful start into 2020.

Orange the world to say NO to violence against women and girls.
"ORANGE THE WORLD", a worldwide initiative, which was realized for the first time in South Tyrol, more precisely in Bruneck by the Soroptimist Club International Pusteral in cooperation with the municipality of Bruneck, sets a signal for a clear NO to violence against women and girls.
Discussion round "Asking for help without fear"
on Monday, 25.11.2019 at 8 p.m. at the Ragenhaus Bruneck
Orange Cocktail
on Tuesday, 10.12.2019 from 6 p.m. at Gilmplatz in Bruneck
The event was realized with the kind support of Raiffeisenkasse Bruneck, Elektro Ewald, RIA Druck, Obojes, Gatterer Home, Stadtentwicklung Bruneck and Volksbank Bruneck.

On Friday, November 8th Open Coworking Day takes place at all four startbase locations in South Tyrol. Working, learning something new and networking – this is offered in the coworking spaces in Merano, Bolzano, Brunico and Silandro!
The concept of coworking exists for many years and is a celebrated form of new work. These office alternatives have become indispensable in large cities and are already firmly established in South Tyrol.
At the Open Coworking Day, all members will have the opportunity to experience a community event. All interested parties can test the four locations free of charge and network with the coworkers, because all four locations offer an additional programme with great workshops and networking opportunities. The spiritual and physical well-being is also provided for in all four loacations: the office alternative can be used for work, something new can be learnt at lectures or workshops, and during refreshments, the exchange with like-minded people takes place in a relaxed atmosphere.
Be a part of it!
The programme at startbase Brunico:
from 8:30 a.m.: Open Coworking (on registration)
10:00: Coffee break
16:30: Workshop "Visual Storytelling - inspire with complex topics" with Hans Renzler from VerVieVas (on registration)
from 17:30: Coworking.Aperitivo
+39 0474 545291
The Open Coworking Day is supported by the EFRE program DA VINCI.

The exhibition "Keinrichtung" shows six submitted projects for a new street furniture for Bruneck. The exhibition is showed until 14 November 2019 at Sternbach Interior Stories in the upper town - from 18 November 2019 at Bruneck town hall.
A street furniture for the city is already an idea that has existed for many years. In the course of the last edition of "Ways to the Museum" by the Bruneck Museum Association, this idea was taken up in order to work out proposals for a diverse and different furnishing.
The street furniture is much more than just a seating: it is intended to create places for rest and relaxation. Places to stay to observe the hustle and bustle of the city or the tranquillity of nature, moreover it should be a communicative meeting point. Furthermore, parking spaces are to be created for the many bicycles, which is a popular means of transport for towners.
In May 2019, six projects were presented to the working group, consisting of representatives of the municipality, the Stadtentwicklung Bruneck and the museum association, for the locations at the square in front of the town hall, the square in front of the university, the central pedestrian area, as well as in the upper town at the "Seeböckhaus", the column of Mary and the Binta Bichl. The projects contain ideas for four seatings and two bicycle stands.
These projects will now be presented to the public as part of the exhibition "Keinrichtung". The exhibition can be viewed at Sternbach Interior Stories in the upper town of Bruneck until the 14th of November 2019 during the opening hours and will be exhibited from the 18th of November for a few weeks in the town hall of Bruneck.
The exhibition was realized by the group "Ways to the Museum" of the City Museum Bruneck, as well as by Sternbach Interior Stories.

On Monday, October 21st, 2019 the 5th Economic Round Table will take place at 7.30 p.m. at the Raiffeisen Forum. This time the topic will be "NOI TECHPARK SÜDTIROL - STANDORT BRUNECK".
"The NOI Techpark is to become a central location for the economy and a meeting place for the population of the Pustertal valley", says Mayor Griessmair.
A part of the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano with the engineering course "Automation in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering", the NOI Techpark with the competence center in the automotive sector, as well as a start-up center including Coworking Space startbase will be located there. In addition, there will be an event center for congresses, conferences, and many other events.
Speakers will include Hubert Hofer - Vice President NOI Techpark, Martin Vallazza - Head of Unit "Construction" NOI Techpark, Klaus Mutschlechner - President of the Automotive Excellence South Tyrol Network, Johannes Brunner - Head of Unit "Automotive I Automation" NOI Techpark & Gottfried Rier - Senior Vice President Engineering & Quality - GKN Powder Metallurgy.
Photo Credits: KUP-ARCH

3 countries, 10 locations, 24 members, and Stadtentwicklung Bruneck right in the middle. We are founding member of the association Coworkation Alps.
Coworkation ALPS: the Alps as a site of innovation and inspiration – where both work and leisure time complement each other.
People who can do their jobs regardless of their locations or those who are in search of creative ideas ought to be given the opportunity to transfer their place of work to the Alps, even if only on a temporary basis, and also to puzzle over new projects jointly.
We are pleased to be a founding member of the cross-border association Coworkation ALPS, a network with the goal of making use of current conditions in the working world for the area of the Alps and of developing new living and working spaces.
You can be excited about many amazing projects!

From 22 June to 7 September 2019 the exhibition "Namastè Nepal" will take place for the second time in the Gallery at Brunico Castle.
The earthquakes in April and May 2015 have left their mark on Nepal until today. 2.5 million people were made homeless and 9,000 lost their lives. The earthquake of stage 7.8 on the Richter scale devastated the area from southern Mahabharat to the Kathmandu Valley.
The photo exhibition "Namastè Nepal" takes place for the second time at Brunico Castle and is the initiative of a group of mountaineers from Bolzano who have been travelling to the valleys of Nepal since 1988.
In the course of the project, donations are collected with which the people in the affected areas are supported in the reconstruction of their homeland.
The inauguration of the exhibition will take place on Saturday, 22 June 2019 at 4 p.m. in the Gallery at Brunico Castle.
Opening hours: daily from 10.00 to 18.00 (closed on Tuesday)
Stadtentwicklung Bruneck supports this event, but is not the organiser.

The popular farmer’s market will be held in Brunico once again every Friday from May 3rd to October 25th, 2019 at the Graben-Via Bastioni.
Some fourteen stands, of which five are organically certified farms from the Pustertal valley, will offer their products at the 24th Farmer’s Market at the Am Graben location in Bruneck. Cheese, dairy products, Speck (traditional Tyrolean farmer’s bacon), meat, cold cults, herbs, fruit, vegetables, grains, flour, bread, eggs, pasta, Tirtlan (fritters with salty filling), and Krapfen doughnuts – all of the products have either been grown by the farmers themselves or else produced and made by them.
New this year is the “Guest Stand”. Once a month, at this guest stand, a stand operator from elsewhere in South Tyrol or from neighboring Trentino is invited to present their products. The great variety of the local agriculture becomes especially tangible here.
The next date for the guest stand is:
October 25, 2019: ORGANIC saffron from the Val di Fiemme in Trentino.
The people at the Farmer’s Market look forward to seeing you there!

Bruneck, the centre of the Pustertal valley, has always combined the traditional and the modern. That is reflected not only in the architecture or in the cultural and leisure time activities, but also in the character of the inhabitants of the city. Our community has numerous outstanding figures and a large number of strengths.
The brand strategy that has been worked out for Bruneck is jointly followed by our association and by our partners in order to constantly strengthen the brand profile.
We would like to present an overview of the strategy here in four sections.

Stadtentwicklung Bruneck manages the first coworking space in the city’s downtown. Since January 2019, the coworking space Startbase Bruneck has been providing fourteen workspaces on 160 sq. m.
Our coworking space is located directly at the city hall square and is an open space awash with light with fourteen work stations, one meeting room (for up to eight people), and a coffee kitchen.
But what is coworking? Coworking is a new form of office space in which independent contractors, start-ups, founders, or companies rent a workspace with flexible time in an open office.
For more information, please see startbase' website:

The advertising space on the Capuchin Wall is located right in the middle of downtown Bruneck, directly at Andreas-Hofer-Straße. Your advertisement can be perfectly staged on one of the twenty large-format panels.
On average, some 7,500 vehicles per day plus numerous pedestrians and bicyclists pass by the wall of the monastery, and consequently the large-format poster advertising (4 x 2 m, or around 13 by 6 ft.) with high-quality printing achieves optimal visibility.

An average of nearly a thousand cars park in the parking structure every day and make use of the short route into the city. Take advantage of this ideal platform for your advertising message! You can choose from three formats and make use of the positioning in the parking structure for an entire year.
Format 1: 300 x 200 cm
Format 2: 300 x 120 cm
Format 3: 90 x 180 cm

Associations and organizations that organize events within the community of Bruneck have advertising possibilities available within the area. There are two big prints in the community (at the Rienz Bridge and Capuchin Square) which draw attention to events. Associations may reserve these spaces with Stadtentwicklung Bruneck, depending upon availability. The large format big prints in the old municipal gymnasium are reserved exclusively for lo-cal museums. Stadtentwicklung Bruneck also coordinates those reservations.
No rent is charged in either case, although there are costs for the advertising tax as well as for the printing of the graphics and the mounting.
The welcome signs at the entry to the towns may be used for announcements of events.

There are eight advertising pillars in the community of Bruneck. They are located where life in the city is at its liveliest. All associations and organizations that organize events within the community may make use of this valuable possibility for the promotion of events.
The posters may be handed in to the office of Stadentwicklung Bruneck. Its employees will then reliably place your posters on the corresponding advertising pillars once a week.
NEW! The posters must not be stamped anymore.

The Prince’s Chambers in Bruneck Castle are the perfect location: for civil wedding ceremonies. And after the pronouncement, the lucky couple will be toasted in the enchanting inner courtyard of the castle.
General Information:
Civil wedding ceremonies at Bruneck Castle are officiated by a registrar of the community of Bruneck.
They are held in the Prince’s Chambers in Bruneck Castle. The bright, spacious room can accommodate up to seventy people. The subsequent toast is held in the inner courtyard of the castle.
Weddings may be held every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, as well as the first Saturday of each month.
Please contact us for additional information: info@stadtentwicklung-bruneck.eu or +39 0474 545291

Whether concerts, conferences, congresses or balls - the event centre NOBIS in the centre of Bruneck is the ideal meeting place for your event.
The BRUNO hall with stage and stage technology offers space for up to 526 people and sets the stage for theatre, concerts or congresses perfectly. The smaller hall RIENZ has space for up to 92 people and is particularly suitable for conferences, meetings or courses.
We, Stadtentwicklung Bruneck, manage the event facilities at NOBIS and look forward to receiving your enquiries.
Further information: www.nobis-bruneck.com/en/

vivibrunico.com is a digital calendar of events that provides both locals and guests with an overview of everything that is going on. What’s happening today? What concerts are being performed, which lectures are being delivered? All of that and many other events are covered there.
Are you an organizer and are you planning an event in Bruneck? Please contact us in order to find out what else is happening in Bruneck on your desired date. On top of that, we will handle entering the events on bruneckerleben.com – just send us all of your materials.
Contact us for more information:

Stadtentwicklung Bruneck is the contact point when it comes to business events. It provides support in the planning and organization of the event, delivers information on event locations in Bruneck and organizes its own events such as the Entrepreneur Forum or the Economic Round Table.
Here a throwback to past events:
In 2019, the Entrepreneur Forum was held for the fifteenth time. The first version took place in 2004 at Bruneck Castle. The topic at that time was “Central and Eastern Europe: A Sales and Procurement Market for My Business?” Every year, economic topics are handled that capture the spirit of the times, and this has caused the Forum to experience steady growth. |

Stadtentwicklung Bruneck is responsible for the care of municipal networks and for the realization of forward-looking community projects. Thus at this time, it handles the Städtenetzwerk Südalpenraum [Network of Cities in the Southern Alps], an association of the cities of Bruneck and the Austrian cities of Lienz, Spittal an der Drau, and Hermagor, and, in cooperation with EURAC Research, the Städtenetzwerk Südtirol City [Network of South Tyrol Cities] in which all of the cities of South Tyrol participate.
Other projects include the Dolomiti Live Project with the communities of Lienz and Belluno and the Coworkation Alps association.
More information about the networks can be found under the heading "News"!

Entrepreneur Forum
On Monday, April 17, 2023 at the Tipworld Forum in Bruneck, the Entrepreneurs Forum was held. An event organized by Stadtentwicklung Bruneck, which was attended by about 200 entrepreneurs. Among other things, the topic of developing from an employer's market to an employee's market was discussed, as companies increasingly face the problem of how to dominate in the struggle for talent.
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We are looking for!
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Women.Talks 2023
The Women.Talks on International Women's Day on Wednesday evening, March 8, 2023 at the Raiffeisen Forum Bruneck dealt, appropriately for the election year, with women and politics - politics and women.
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Soul Stones
Recently, new paving stones can be found in various places in the city center of Brunico. They are special stones, which are part of the project "Soul Stones" by BBZ graduates in collaboration with the municipality of Bruneck, the Urban Development Brunico, as well as the artist Alois Steger and Karl Heinz Malfertheiner. Started in the school year 2019/20, the project was completed this year and ten so-called soul stones, which symbolize the brand values of the city of Brunico, now adorn the cityscape.
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Women's Talks 2022
The International Women's Day on 8 March 2022 was celebrated in Brunico with the Women's Talks in the truest sense of the word, as it led the participants from the town hall square to Brunico Castle and from there, atmospherically with torches, to the town museum.
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Merry Christmas...
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startbase South Tyrol continues to grow!
startbase South Tyrol stands for sustainable coworking culture in South Tyrol and currently operates five coworking spaces in Bolzano, Merano, Brunico, Silandro and Malles. With the opening of a small shared office in Sand in Taufers, the network continues to grow.
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Survey on the city center of Brunico-Bruneck
City councilor Daniel Schönhuber is launching a survey on the city center of Brunico in cooperation with Stadtentwicklung Bruneck. In the survey people are asked about their opinions of the city center. The results will be presented at an event in autumn 2021.
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Farmer's market
Last autumn the farmers' market season did not end as usual, but for the first time the market was also held throughout the winter. This offer was very well used, so that it will now continue to be held all year round. Every Friday morning, fresh natural products from local cultivation are offered in Brunico.
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Economic Round Table
On Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 125 businesspeople and interested parties from the Pustertal Valley accepted the invitation of Daniel Schönhuber, city councillor for economic affairs, and discussed the pandemic and its consequences with senators Meinhard Durnwalder and Dieter Steger at the Economic Round Table.
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Fresh, cheeky, feminist
Bruneck - On 8 March, the International Women's Day, the traditional Women's Talks took place in Bruneck-Brunico. This year for the first time online. About 100 participants accepted the invitation and experienced funny readings by the eloquent Ella Carina Werner and the illustrator Valentina Stecchi.
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The event centre to be built at the NOI Techpark in Bruneck-Brunico now has a name. From 2023, events will take place at NOBIS. The committee chose this name from around 60 proposals submitted. In the course of the meeting, the bistro of the NOI Techpark was also spontaneously given a name from the ideas presented. It will be called BRUNO.
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25 years Farmer's market!
The Farmers' Market is back from its winter break and from Friday, 8th May 2020 will once again bring fresh natural products from local cultivation directly to Brunico.
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What's going on in Brunico? Art, music, festivals, sport, markets, gastronomy, guided tours, literature. What's it all about today?
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Name needed...
We are searching a name for the event centre at the NOI Techpark Brunico, which are managed by the municipality of Bruneck. Your initiative is needed!
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Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
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Open Coworking Day
On Friday, November 8th Open Coworking Day takes place at all four startbase locations in South Tyrol. Working, learning something new and networking – this is offered in the coworking spaces in Merano, Bolzano, Brunico and Silandro!
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The exhibition "Keinrichtung" shows six submitted projects for a new street furniture for Bruneck. The exhibition is showed until 14 November 2019 at Sternbach Interior Stories in the upper town - from 18 November 2019 at Bruneck town hall.
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Economic Round Table
On Monday, October 21st, 2019 the 5th Economic Round Table will take place at 7.30 p.m. at the Raiffeisen Forum. This time the topic will be "NOI TECHPARK SÜDTIROL - STANDORT BRUNECK".
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Coworkation Alps
3 countries, 10 locations, 24 members, and Stadtentwicklung Bruneck right in the middle. We are founding member of the association Coworkation Alps.
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Namastè Nepal
From 22 June to 7 September 2019 the exhibition "Namastè Nepal" will take place for the second time in the Gallery at Brunico Castle.
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The popular farmer’s market will be held in Brunico once again every Friday from May 3rd to October 25th, 2019 at the Graben-Via Bastioni.
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